Malayalee Association of Memphis (MAM): Memphis Malayalees
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Malayalee Association of Memphis (MAM) Malayalee Association of Memphis (MAM) is a newly registered (with State of Tennessee) non-profit association with a focus on providing volunteering and charitable opportunities for our members. The association provides a platform for cultural, civic, charitable, educational and literary oriented activities. ‘Malayalees’ represent people who speak the language of ‘Malayalam’. Malayalam is the official language of the State of Kerala in India. Several Individuals and Families, who either speak the language Malayalam or those who have roots in the State of Kerala, live in the Memphis and surrounding areas. These families, since the 1990s, have come together and established as an effective community educating their kids on native culture and celebrating native festivals. Additionally, the group members help new members moving into the area to settle down. Recently, the group decided to explore opportunities to help the community through volunteering and charity work. There is no membership fee as of now. If you subscribe to and live in or around Memphis, you are already a member of MAM. If you have questions please feel free to contact any of the following members.
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